A PS4 for David who uses gaming as a source of comfort and relaxation
Posted Apr 29, 2024
David is a high school senior who loves gaming and cherishes interacting with other youth his age. Gaming is not just a hobby for David; it's also a source of comfort and relaxation for him. Since the pandemic hit, David has lost his parents, grandmother, and uncle, making life more difficult for him. However, gaming has been a great help with his anxiety and emotional meltdowns. In the future, David wants to design his own video games, as it is his passion. Unfortunately, his console broke down recently, and he has been unable to connect with his gaming friends, which has been quite distressing for him, given that gaming is an essential stress reduction tool for him. David needs a replacement console to stay connected with his friends and continue to enjoy the emotional satisfaction that gaming brings. Playing online allows David to interact with people without the pressure of face-to-face interaction, which is challenging for him due to his autism. Helping David replace his console will not only give him the opportunity to continue doing what he loves but also help with his mental health issues. With his birthday coming up, replacing his PS4 would be an amazing surprise. David is a bright young man who deserves all the support and love he can get!
Urban League of Hudson County requests this wish for David.
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David receives the wish from Urban League of Hudson County