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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Tumbling mat and bar set for Julie who is an aspiring gymnast

Posted Apr 25, 2024
One place Julie feels at home is gymnastics. While her training has been sporadic due to foster care, her current foster family has allowed her to reignite her dream! Having a tumble mat that she can practice her skills on at home would be amazing. Julie shines when she is performing, and if she can practice at home, she will continue to grow! In addition, this will provide an outlet for her boundless energy.

Julie is 12 years old and lives in PA

Julie has the biggest smile of any kid. She has been in foster care for several years and has watched her siblings be adopted, and yet she still hasn’t found her forever home. But hopefully, that is about to change as she just moved in with an amazing family who is excited and prepared to take on the challenges that come from the trauma Julie has faced. This sweet girl will soon be able to smile more!

The Wish Story

Fostering Hope - Bucks requests this wish for Julie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Day 3 Challenge grants the wish for Julie! Thanks Day 3 Challenge.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Fostering Hope - Bucks for Julie.

Fostering Hope - Bucks receives the wish!

Julie receives the gift from Fostering Hope - Bucks!

"We dropped this off to Julie today and was so thrilled! She couldn’t believe it was for her to keep! Her smile was so big. She said she can’t wait to start practicing! Thank you for bringing some happiness to this sweet girls life! "

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