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Fun times at Disney for Samantha to share with her siblings

Posted Apr 26, 2024
Samantha loves to watch all the Disney princesses on TV after she finishes her schoolwork. She has always wanted to see Jasmine and Elsa in person. Samantha wishes to visit Disney one day with her siblings. Attending Disney with her siblings has always been one of her dreams because her family could never afford to go, and she feels this will be a great family event that she will remember for a lifetime.

Samantha is 10 years old and lives in CA

Samantha is an amazing youth that has been in foster care with her two siblings for the past several years. Even with her past trauma, Samantha has maintained a positive outlook in her young life because she has her two siblings living with her.She tries to follow her older sisters examples of going to school, following the rules and trying her best in completing her work. Samantha loves being in her home with her siblings and wishes to once day, work as a police officer.

The Wish Story

CA DCFS - Los Angeles County requests this wish for Samantha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Samantha! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Go have fun Samantha!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CA DCFS - Los Angeles County for Samantha.

CA DCFS - Los Angeles County receives the wish!

Samantha receives the gift from CA DCFS - Los Angeles County!

"Thank you for your kindness. Bless you, they will be thrilled."

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