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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Beats headphones for Arianna so she can listen to music during workouts

Posted Apr 30, 2024
Arianna is a hard- working youth that works full- time and keeps herself busy in order to be a productive person in society. Arianna loves health and fitness and is asking for a new pair of headphones to listen to her music while she enjoys her workouts. By granting this wish it will allow Arianna to continue to make her health a priority and obtain her fitness goals.

Arianna is 22 years old and lives in CA

Arianna is an amazing young woman who is residing in the transitional housing program where she is doing well. Arianna has grown up in foster care and has always committed to being responsible. Arianna is well-mannered, thoughtful, and hardworking. She is focused on her education and is less than one year away from graduating high school. Arianna is a self-taught and motivated young woman who has dreams of being a successful entrepreneur and is hopeful to earn a bright future.

The Wish Story

Walden Family Services requests this wish for Arianna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Day 3 Challenge grants the wish for Arianna! Thanks Day 3 Challenge.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Walden Family Services for Arianna.

Arianna receives the wish from Walden Family Services

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