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A barber kit for Diego who wants to jumpstart his career

Posted May 2, 2024
Diego is going to be a senior but he also plans to attend a technical career center to earn his barber license through school to get a jump start on adulthood. Diego is asking for help with obtaining his barber kit for classes. However, this kit that is needed is too expensive for him to pay for himself since he is unable to work due to being an active member of LYAB, SYAB, and on the wrestling team at school, which takes up a majority of his schedule. He would love the opportunity to further his education in a field he is interested in while it is being offered through the career center at school. He will be so excited if someone helps him with his wish and allows him to reach for the stars!

Diego is 17 years old and lives in MO

Diego is a great kid who is striving to make a difference in any way he can. He plans to attend a technical career center to earn his barber license through school to get a jump start on adulthood. However, that is not the only thing Diego does; he also wrestles on the school team and is a very involved and active member of both the Local Youth Advisory Board for our area and State Youth Advisory Board, where he is thinking of running for office this summer.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Healthcare requests this wish for Diego.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Diego! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Healthcare for Diego.

Diego receives the wish from Preferred Family Healthcare

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