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A gorgeous bed frame for Sherrell to sleep comfortably each night

Posted May 2, 2024
Sherrell is in need of support to purchase a new bed frame to go with her new mattress. Sherrell has been using the same bed frame that she acquired for herself many years ago and it has finally given out on her. The bottom will no longer hold up, and she doesn't have a flat place to sleep now that her old mattress is sagging down through the bed frame. As Sherrell works toward achieving her goal for this semester, which is to achieve all passing grades, having a stable and sturdy place to lay her head will make all the difference. To get a good night's rest for Sherrell means to have the energy to work toward her goals, make it to her courses on time, and feel her best self as she continues pushing her way through this world.

Sherrell is 25 years old and lives in CA

Sherrell is an artsy, creative spirit full of energy and drive. Sherrell loves getting ready to go out on the town and spending time with family and friends. She has recently been putting much time back into herself. Sherrell would do anything for those she cares for and is learning to do the same for herself. She hasn't shared much about her foster care journey. However, it was difficult enough to where she took her own teenage niece in for a few weeks so that her niece wouldn't have to experience the system the way that Sherrell was forced to. Some of Sherrell's favorite things include finding the best pair of heels, singing, theater, and eating delicious foods. Sherrell currently attends SFSU and is working toward receiving a double major in both Theater and Public health.

The Wish Story

Pivotal requests this wish for Sherrell.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Betty and Bud Fund grants the wish for Sherrell! Thanks Betty and Bud Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Pivotal for Sherrell.

Sherrell receives the wish from Pivotal

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