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Playstation 5 for AD who gifted his siblings his old one

Posted May 2, 2024
AD is a wonderful person who cherishes his family ties. Despite not being able to see his siblings often, he finally got the chance to spend some quality time with them during the last holiday. As an act of kindness, he gave his siblings his beloved Playstation along with some smaller gifts. However, now he is missing his Playstation as it was one of the ways for him to connect with his floormates and de-stress after a long day. It would be great if he could have a replacement to continue building relationships and having fun.

AD is 19 years old and lives in CA

AD is in college with an eye toward business management. He has multiple interests and is glad that in college, he can finally begin to build his own community. Prior to college, he attended over 15 schools. He loves music of all genres, styling people, playing basketball, and skateboarding.

The Wish Story

Community Initiatives/Seen52 requests this wish for AD.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for AD! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Community Initiatives/Seen52 for AD.

AD receives the gift from Community Initiatives/Seen52!

"He was so happy. He is taking a full summer load so when we dropped this off, he didn't expect the timing and was very thrilled. This hasn't been an easy time emotionally/mentally, and he is doing the work to attend therapy and get academic support. At the same time, the PS5 will support in just helping unwind and connect with friends in other areas."

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