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A bicycle for Cameron so he can finally have a ride of his very own

Posted May 3, 2024
Cameron is eagerly looking forward to his upcoming birthday, and he has one special request - a bike of his own. As a foster child, Cameron has never had the opportunity to own a bike, and he has not been able to ride one that fits him perfectly. Having his own bike would mean the world to him, as he would love to ride it with his foster mother and friends. Cameron dreams of exploring new bike trails and enjoying the freedom that comes with cycling.

Cameron is 11 years old and lives in OH

Cameron is a sweet and kind child who has been separated from all of his siblings. He continues to enjoy having quiet time and one-on-one time with his foster parent. Cameron enjoys spending time in the community with his foster mother doing activities. Cameron enjoys being creative and also enjoys staying active outside. He enjoys spending time at the local Boys and Girls Club during the week doing activities with friends. Cameron is often found playing with Legos or spending time kicking his soccer ball outside.

The Wish Story

The National Youth Advocate Program requests this wish for Cameron.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jollay Family Fund grants the wish for Cameron! Thanks Jollay Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The National Youth Advocate Program for Cameron.

The National Youth Advocate Program receives the wish!

Cameron receives the gift from The National Youth Advocate Program!

"Cameron looks so forward to riding his VERY own bike, just for him. He can't wait to hit the riding trails this summer. We thank you so very much for making this wish possible!! "

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