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A fun obstacle course experience for Everett who is excited about summer activities

Posted Jun 7, 2024
Everett is so happy it is warming up outside and he is able to do lots of outdoor activities. He is hoping to get to have some new experiences this summer with his brothers, caregivers, and foster brother. One thing he would really like to try is this super fun obstacle course. He has done some indoor rock climbing in the past and loved it, and he thinks this looks even cooler than that! This wish is for him and one of his caregivers to take him to try this obstacle course. He is excited about all of the fun extra stuff it comes with too!

Everett is 8 years old and lives in PA

Everett is a sweet young man who is great to be around. He is always very pleasant and cooperative. He loves to play basketball and soccer. He is one of the kindest and silliest kids you could ever meet, and he loves to tell jokes.

The Wish Story

Christ's Home requests this wish for Everett.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jason grants the wish for Everett! Thanks Jason.

"Have a great time!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Christ's Home for Everett.

Christ's Home receives the wish!

Everett receives the gift from Christ's Home!

"Thank you so much for granting this wish!!"

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