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A fun towel for Reagan who wants to pick out something pretty

Posted May 8, 2024
This summer will be full of swimming for sweet Reagan! She is excited to pick out a pretty new towel to prepare for her summer fun. She can't wait to see what all the options are!

Reagan is 7 years old and lives in TX

Reagan is absolutely adorable, from her sweet brown hair to her tiny toes! She loves her little brother and sister with all her heart. She really loves to read and color every chance she gets! She always smiles and sings songs; she is a shining star!

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Reagan! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Reagan, I hope you enjoy your new beach towel. Have fun at the pool! Kate"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Reagan.

K'STAR Inc. receives the wish!

Reagan receives the gift from K'STAR Inc.!

"Thank you for helping Reagan get a new, pretty towel that matches her new water bottle! She will be in style for sure!"

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