See the wishes needed this week!

About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A shopping spree for Gage who has a birthday this month

Posted May 8, 2024
Gage has a birthday this month and has requested a gift card. He loves everything football and Minecraft. and hopes to get some new things for his room. He has a wish list and is hoping that he can get some cool new things that he's been wanting for awhile and upgrade his space. This wish has been split into two parts to help Gage get some cool new decor. This is wish 2 of 2.

Gage is 14 years old and lives in OH

Gage is a huge sports fan, especially football. He is a very active child and loves to play outside when he is able to. He has been in foster care for several years and his goal is to be placed in a home with his siblings. Gage is very outgoing and friendly and loves to be around others!

The Wish Story

Debra grants the wish for Gage! Thanks Debra.

"Happy Birthday, Gage!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Gage.

Gage receives the wish from Focus on Youth, Inc.

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