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A fun Little Tikes truck for Chayton to play in outside

Posted Aug 22, 2024
Chayton loves to play outside. He is a fun little guy who loves to be around his brother. He loves to dig in the dirt and play in the mud. He tries to say that he went to Sunday School and comes out so cute, but you understand what he is saying. Chayton is at a home with three little ones and there are only 2 Little Tikes cars. He is the youngest and would like a car of his very own!

Chayton is 2 years old and lives in MO

Chayton and his brother live with a foster family that didn't have littles. Chayton loves the little car that we have at the office and told me he was going to take his car home. Chayton and his brother are 2 of the sweetest little guys and are very well mannered. They are now staying on a farm and love to go feed the cows and ride the tractor to do chores. We have had visits and I bring the little car and both get in it and mom pushes them,

The Wish Story

MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County requests this wish for Chayton.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Chayton! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you have so much fun playing in your new Little Tykes car!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County for Chayton.

MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County receives the wish!

"When I showed Chayton the box he could not hardly wait for his foster mom to get it out of the box. He squealed with joy~~~~ "

Chayton receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - Clark County

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