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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A shopping spree for Haylee to pick out some great new makeup

Posted May 17, 2024
Haylee loves makeup and exploring new looks. She has been working so hard lately and has really brought up her grades since coming into care. This gift card would be a great way to fuel her passion for makeup, as well as reward her for her hard work in such a short time! This wish was split into two parts so Haylee can have an awesome shopping spree. This is wish 2 of 2.

Haylee is 16 years old and lives in NE

Haylee is a bright young lady who has recently come back into the foster care system. Although this process has been difficult for her to navigate, she has remained nothing but positive! She is a sweet, well-mannered young lady who loves to hang out with her friends and do her makeup. Haylee is super involved with her school sports team and has expressed that when she graduates high school, she wants to become a pediatric physician and work with kids!

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Haylee! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Haylee, You are amazing! I hope you’ll be able to create some beautiful and fun looks with your new makeup. Remember to take care of your skin by removing makeup and moisturizing before going to bed each night. You deserve this!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NE DHHS - Dodge County for Haylee.

Haylee receives the wish from NE DHHS - Dodge County

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