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About This Wish

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Legal fees for Kyra to escape a difficult situation

Posted Jun 7, 2024
Kyra is a mother to an amazing 2-year-old who is escaping a domestic violence marriage, where both she and her child were abused. She previously graduated from JIT's Financial Fitness 103 service and had a decent savings account that her ex-husband ended up taking from her. She currently works two full-time jobs to try and pay down the debt her ex-husband incurred while they were married and pay the legal fees for her divorce and custody battle. She is looking to pay her lawyers for the custody and divorce case, and as of right now, she needs money to be able to obtain sole custody of her child. This assistance would help her protect her son from their abuser. The funds would allow her to go to court to prove the domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect occurring. She is trying to overcome the perjury and lies that were shared in court but hasn’t been able to do so because she hasn't been able to afford the lawyer's bill to have good representation in court. By having these funds, she could attend court with a lawyer who can represent her case and protect her child from also entering the foster care system. It’s crucial to Kyra that she break the cycle of foster care.

Kyra is 26 years old and lives in CO

Kyra is a mother to an amazing little one and previously graduated from Just In Time for Foster Youth's Financial Fitness 103 service. She currently works two full-time jobs at Just In Time for Foster Youth as a CRM strategist and at Conn’s HomePlus as Third Key/Manager. She graduated college in 2017 with three degrees: Early Childhood Education, General Studies of Culture and Communication, and Communication Studies. She is also working on starting a small business that is currently operating as an LLC with an e-commerce platform that allows for passive income to come in.

The Wish Story

Just in Time for Foster Youth requests this wish for Kyra.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Kyra! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Just in Time for Foster Youth for Kyra.

Just in Time for Foster Youth receives the wish!

Kyra receives the gift from Just in Time for Foster Youth !

"Oh my gosh, this is fantastic news! Please send my heartfelt thank you for this life changing and heartwarming news to the One Simple Wish team. This assistance will be so significantly helpful. I have no words. Thank you so much. - Kyra"

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