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About This Wish

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Dual trash can with lid for Machalea to keep her children out of the trash

Posted Jun 6, 2024
Machalea has young children, one of whom is a toddler that enjoys emptying the trash. She has often discovered the trash can tipped over and her little one with items in her mouth. Machalea is interested in replacing her current trash cans with ones that have lids to prevent her child from accessing the contents. She's looking for a trash can with two sections to replace her current one and keep her young children out of the trash. This change would bring Machalea some peace of mind.

Machalea is 23 years old and lives in OH

Machalea is a wonderful single mother of two lovely young children. She loves spending quality time with her kids, especially watching movies together. Like any other hardworking mom, she cherishes a quick nap when she can. Currently, Machalea works part-time as a home health aide, and she's hoping to find a full-time job soon. She's passionate about caring for the elderly and finds it very fulfilling. Machalea is presently without a permanent home, having lost her previous one. As a result, she and her kids have been moving from place to place until they can find a stable residence.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health requests this wish for Machalea.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Machalea! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health for Machalea.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health receives the wish!

"Thank you for your kindness "

Machalea receives the wish from Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health

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