Elfonso is an adorable little boy who loves Hot Wheels and Legos. He’s a big helper, always asking to wipe the tables after meals. Plus, he is always the first one to pick up toys before bed. He loves to play outside on a big wheel or cuddle into a bean bag for movie time. He is also a great, loving little brother to his older sister.
K'STAR Inc. requests this wish for Elfonso.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Monica grants the wish for Elfonso! Thanks Monica.
"I hope you enjoy your new monster truck! Have a great summer! Have fun, and never stop learning and exploring! God bless you!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Elfonso.
K'STAR Inc. receives the wish!
Elfonso receives the gift from K'STAR Inc.!
"Thank you for making it possible for Elfonso to get a new Lego monster truck! He enjoyed building it and is proudly displaying it in his room!"