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A Skylight smart calendar for Isabel to keep herself organized

Posted Jun 10, 2024
After years in foster care and experiencing the repercussions of that experience, Isabel has been giving her all to advocate for systemic and structural change over the past few years. As part of that pursuit, she graduated with her bachelor's degree and has gone on to pursue a master's degree. While pursuing full-time education, Isabel also works full-time in the foster care space and participates in other opportunities to empower her community and inform systemic change. With such many obligations and demands for her time, having a cohesive way to stay organized is critical to her success and performance. It also just helps alleviate her anxiety through having a comprehensive understanding of my coming obligations. The Skylight calendar allows for a holistic calendar that combines all other calendars that already exist and allows Isabel to implement changes within the Skylight calendar. Isabel would really love to get this calendar to help her stay organized and on top of all my demands in an effective way!

Isabel is 22 years old and lives in MI

Isabel is a force for change who values her relationships with her siblings. Isabel has worked hard to achieve the goals she set for herself, such as interning at the United States Capitol, earning her bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, and working full-time to support positive change for those who experienced foster care. Isabel is currently pursuing her master's degree in public administration.

The Wish Story

MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties requests this wish for Isabel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jennifer grants the wish for Isabel! Thanks Jennifer.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties for Isabel.

Isabel receives the wish from MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties

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