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Shopping for stuffed animals for Zia so that she enjoys her birthday

Posted Jun 11, 2024
Zia loves to collect stuffed animal kitties and puppies to keep on her bed. She would love to be able to shop for a few new stuffed animals to add to her collection. They really help sleep well at night and keep her from being afraid of the dark.

Zia is 6 years old and lives in TX

Zia is the youngest of her sibling group, but keeps a watchful eye, she has wisdom beyond her years! With everything she has been through, she exhibits a wonderful attitude, greeting everyone with a smile! She enjoys and is eager to help at craft time. She absolutely loves butterflies! She also loves to be girly and everything needs to be extra sparkly!

The Wish Story

K'STAR Inc. requests this wish for Zia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Zia! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy birthday Zia! When I was a little girl, I had a stuffed animal kitten that I loved very much. I hope your new friends are as dear to you as Little Kitty was to me. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Zia.

K'STAR Inc. receives the wish!

Zia receives the gift from K'STAR Inc.!

"Zia was so excited that she got to shop for some new stuffed animals for her birthday. Thank you for making this possible!"

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