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Steam mop for Sonia who recently moved into a new space after being unhoused

Posted Jun 17, 2024
Sonia is a courageous young adult. She has been working with a housing manager to overcome barriers to permanent housing, as she has not had stable housing for several years. Sonia is in the process of moving into a new apartment and is wishing for a steam mop to keep her new apartment floors clean. This will make it easier for her to quickly clean and allow her to focus on managing school and work.

Sonia is 22 years old and lives in CA

Sonia has a passion for music and reading. She is a full-time mom who also enjoys creating ceramics with clay in her free time. Sonia enjoys these activities due to the fact that every piece created is unique. Sonia and her family lived out of her car until recently and are now in temporary transitional housing. She is working with a housing navigator to find affordable housing. Sonia hopes to open a small business one day and is planning to go back to community college.

The Wish Story

YMCA of San Diego requests this wish for Sonia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Noel grants the wish for Sonia! Thanks Noel.

"I hope you enjoy your gift!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the YMCA of San Diego for Sonia.

Sonia receives the wish from YMCA of San Diego

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