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About This Wish

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Cleaning supplies for JT to keep his new place looking good

Posted Jun 12, 2024
JT is so grateful to be housed. He recently moved into his own place after finding himself homeless for a short period. He's been continually working to improve his situation and is actively applying for jobs. While he finds the right workplace and starts collecting paychecks, he could use a little help. He's so proud of his new place and would love to get some cleaning supplies to keep it looking good. This wish will allow him to pick out exactly what he needs!

JT is 22 years old and lives in UT

JT is a bright young man who enjoys spending time outdoors and with his friends. He has a passion for art and aged out of the foster care system at 19 years old. He currently just moved into his first apartment!

The Wish Story

Gupta Family Fund grants the wish for JT! Thanks Gupta Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the 1999 Collective for JT.

JT receives the wish from 1999 Collective

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