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About This Wish

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Toddler crib bedding set for Amanda's little one to sleep soundly as he continues to grow

Posted Jun 12, 2024
Amanda just welcomed her second child into the world. She cannot believe how far she has come since being in foster care. Her first born son is already a toddler and she can't believe how quickly he is growing. It seems like every day is he taller, knows a new word, or has outgrown one thing or another. He is now ready to sleep in his new toddler crib. Amanda would really love to get him a cozy bedding set that fits his bed and personality perfectly. She knows that this will make naptime and bedtime so much more enjoyable for her little one.

Amanda is 24 years old and lives in CA

Amanda is a single mother to two lovely little ones. She is a hardworking, self-motivated, and compassionate person. Since her own time in foster care, she has been driven to give back to her community through advocacy. She is a proud foster care alum and believes in empowering others. Amanda is one of the most resilient people one could ever know. She has overcome homelessness, poverty, and the foster care system. She is now a college student who is transferring to a four-year-college to obtain her bachelor's degree. One day, Amanda hopes to build a nonprofit organization to continue giving back to her community.

The Wish Story

OSW By Us - 3 requests this wish for Amanda.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Amanda! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Bless you, Amanda. And may your little one have sweet (and comfy) dreams!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the OSW By Us - 3 for Amanda.

OSW By Us - 3 receives the wish!

Amanda receives the gift from OSW By Us - 3!

"Thank you so much. I am so grateful for this!"

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