Samantha is a dedicated student who is deeply committed to her studies in political science. Alongside her academic pursuits, she finds solace and inspiration in nature, often embarking on adventures that allow her to reconnect with the world around her. Samantha's passion for travel fuels her curiosity about different cultures and societies, enriching her understanding of global issues and igniting her desire to make a positive impact. With a steadfast dedication to her education and broader aspirations, Samantha embodies the harmony between intellectual growth, exploration, and service to others.
UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program requests this wish for Samantha.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
OSW Social grants the wish for Samantha! Thanks OSW Social.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program for Samantha.
UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program receives the wish!
"Samantha is beyond excited to use her new scooter to get around campus! She is extremely grateful, thank you!!"
Samantha receives the wish from UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program