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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Noise canceling headphones for Jordyn to immerse herself in her artwork

Posted Jun 14, 2024
Jordyn is a natural when it comes to creating anything with a brush, whether it be a paintbrush or makeup brush. She lives with a family of 8, so the house can become busy and noisy. Jordyn loves listening to music when creating her masterpieces. A pair of noise-canceling headphones will help Jordyn immerse herself in her work and help her make the best piece yet!

Jordyn is 17 years old and lives in MI

Jordyn is a sweet and artistic young adult. She entered care with her brother and found a supportive home with her aunt. This placement led to her adoption, and Jordyn was able to stay living with her brother. Even with a three-year difference, the two are thick as thieves. Jordyn loves the arts, including choir, drawing, and getting creative with her makeup designs. Jordyn is a natural friend to any new face and supports those in need.

The Wish Story

MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties requests this wish for Jordyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jordyn! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties for Jordyn.

MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties receives the wish!

Jordyn receives the gift from MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties!

"Thank you for granting my wish, the headphones make me very happy, and I will certainly use them a bunch!"

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