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About This Wish

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A tablet for Jakob to learn and entertain himself

Posted Jun 28, 2024
Jakob would love to have a tablet of his own to watch, learn and play games. Jakob attends a special school for children with Autism. He uses a tablet there to learn his numbers, letters, emotions, and communicating his needs and wants. Jakob also uses his tablet to watch videos or distract himself when he is feeling overwhelmed. He would love to have one of his own at his foster home. This will help him continue to learn how to communicate and have fun!

Jakob is 7 years old and lives in OH

Jakob is a sweet and energetic child. When he first came into foster care, he was diagnosed with Autism, nonverbal, and showed his wants with grunts, hitting, or having a tantrum. Since being in foster care Jakob has truly become a new child. He is able to express his needs and wants with words and pictures. He no longer hits, kicks, or throws tantrums like before. He attends a day program and school for his special needs and is thriving there.

The Wish Story

The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Jakob.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elizabeth grants the wish for Jakob! Thanks Elizabeth.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Jakob.

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