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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Apple AirPods for Larry to relax and get restful sleep

Posted Jul 2, 2024
Larry is moving placements and will be sharing a room with three other boys. He would like a pair of earbuds to block out the sound when sleeping so that he can have a good night's rest. Larry also plans to use the earbuds to have private conversations with the friends that he will be leaving behind at his current placement. Larry will be moving across counties, so the distance will be too far to visit. Remote communication will be the only way they can stay in touch. He will be thrilled to get these AirPods!

Larry is 17 years old and lives in FL

Larry is a very talented foster child who is currently in a group home away from his home town. Larry consistently makes honor roll, is taking college-level courses, speaks 2 languages fluently, and is an excellent basketball player. Larry loves to shoot hoops in his free time, and if the court is full or it's too hot, he loves to Play 2k21 on the Playstation.

The Wish Story

Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County requests this wish for Larry.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Larry! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hope you enjoy the AirPods :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for Larry.

Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County receives the wish!

"Dear Wish Granter, Thank you so much for purchasing these AirPods for Larry. They’ve helped him tremendously as he adjusts to his new living environment, allowing him to tune out other sounds and get restful sleep by listening to white noise. The AirPods have also helped him connect with friends privately, keeping their conversations just between them, away from the other youth in the home. He absolutely loves them, and they’ve truly been a blessing in his life. Thank you for making this possible!"

Larry receives the wish from Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County

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