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A reliable laptop for Jaksen who is working towards getting his diploma

Posted Jul 3, 2024
Jacksen did a great job attending the Bridge Program for online schooling while living in residential care and is eager to continue. However, he doesn't have a laptop, which he needs for his online classes. By sticking with the program, Jacksen can graduate early and get his high school diploma. This would be such a game changer for this smart young man. Plus, he's a super creative guy and would really love a computer to pursue his passion for music production.

Jacksen is 16 years old and lives in IN

Jacksen recently completed a residential stay and is now transitioning back home to live with his mother. He enjoys activities such as fishing, listening to music, playing various instruments, and music production. Jacksen is a talented lyricist and uses music as an outlet for stress and trauma. Additionally, he is resilient and has successfully processed past trauma while continuing to build his emotional tool-box.

The Wish Story

IN DCS - Hamilton County requests this wish for Jacksen.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Tracy grants the wish for Jacksen! Thanks Tracy.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the IN DCS - Hamilton County for Jacksen.

Jacksen receives the wish from IN DCS - Hamilton County

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