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Laptop for Chris to be successful as a music major

Posted Jul 12, 2024
Chris is embarking on her college journey this August and has decided to pursue a major in music. As she prepares for this new chapter in her life, she has recognized the importance of having a reliable laptop to support her academic endeavors. Having overcome past traumas and personal challenges, Chris understands the significance of investing in tools that will empower her to thrive in college. With the help of a high-quality laptop, she aims to excel academically and bolster her self-confidence as she pursues her passion for music.

Chris is 18 years old and lives in MN

Chris is a hard working young lady. She has had some trials and tribulations in her life but is currently doing a lot better. She is proud to say that she got accepted into college for music. She is a wonderful person that has to learned that she can succeed and do anything she wants if she puts her mind to it!

The Wish Story

Adoption is Love Fund requests this wish for Chris.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elizabeth grants the wish for Chris! Thanks Elizabeth.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adoption is Love Fund for Chris.

Chris receives the wish from Adoption is Love Fund

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