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Kings Island tickets for Kyah so she has fun with her cousin before school begins

Posted Jul 11, 2024
Kyah has never been to an amusement park. She hopes to visit Kings Island before school starts again. She wants to enjoy the rides and food with her cousin and have a special summer experience to share when she returns to school. It would be a wonderful experience for her.

Kyah is 15 years old and lives in OH

Kyah is a very quiet and smart girl. She is a good student, but her circumstances create challenging situations for her. She shows resilience, and she thrives! She loves to read and likes Nature.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral health requests this wish for Kyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kyah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Kyah, We hope you have so much fun at Kings Island! We are so proud of you! Always remember to be kind to others. Enjoy the rest of your summer! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral health for Kyah.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral health receives the wish!

"Kyah and her cousins are sooooo thankful that they get to go to Kings Island . They have never been and they wanted you to know that they are so thank and grateful for your generosity. They thank you and so do I. "

Kyah receives the wish from Kindred Spirit Behavioral health

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