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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A great laptop for Jacob to create a resume and find a good job

Posted Jul 11, 2024
Jacob recently relocated to a new city. He is determined to secure a stable job to provide for his family. This laptop will be his tool for creating a compelling resume to help him stand out to potential employers. Additionally, he plans to use the laptop to save and reminisce over precious photos of his daughter. Jacob also has a passion for music and intends to utilize the laptop to record and produce his original songs.

Jacob is 19 years old and lives in FL

Jacob is a bright young parent who has overcome many obstacles. He has experienced childhood trauma, tragedy in losing his father, and negative influences that led him down a path of unfavorable consequences. He has successfully completed a commitment program, and has earned numerous certifications, including construction, that will allow him to enter the job market and become a productive citizen in society. Jacob has been able to turn his life around for the better and cites his motivation as being a better parent to his daughter than his own experience with his parents.

The Wish Story

Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County requests this wish for Jacob.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elizabeth grants the wish for Jacob! Thanks Elizabeth.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for Jacob.

Jacob receives the wish from Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County

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