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A convertible car seat for Chris to be safely transported home from daycare

Posted Jul 18, 2024
Chris really needs a car seat to ensure that he's safe while in the car. He lives with his grandmother who doesn't drive. Currently, with her new work schedule, she cannot pick up Chris from daycare and another family member has been picking him up and bringing him home. He has been thriving in this daycare so his grandmother doesn't want to transfer to another location, closer to home. A new convertible car seat will keep him safe and comfortable during his travels home from daycare.

Chris is 1 year old and lives in NJ

Chris is a sweet kid. Unfortunately, he's had some medical issues lately. He seems happiest when he is cruising the furniture in a "race" to travel between his grandmother and his cousin. He loves it when his cousin reads to him and speaks to him in Elmo's voice while playing with Elmo's toys.

The Wish Story

CASA NJ - Bergen County requests this wish for Chris.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Christine grants the wish for Chris! Thanks Christine.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA NJ - Bergen County for Chris.

Chris receives the wish from CASA NJ - Bergen County

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