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Hair products for Shayla to maintain her beautiful crown

Posted Aug 21, 2024
Shayla experienced a tragic loss when her grandfather passed away recently. She lost the desire to meet her basic needs as she grieves the loss of this incredibly important role model. She struggles with managing her natural curly hair and could use help maintaining her beautiful locks. Unfortunately, Shayla's family does not have the resources to help her purchase the specific products she needs, and she also lacks the money to get them on her own. This situation is greatly affecting her self-esteem. Having access to the right hair products to allow her to style her hair will give her much-needed confidence and independence. Shayla also lives in a very rural area with minimal access to stores that carry the shampoo, conditioner, and oils she wants. A gift card to Sally's Beauty Supply store would be greatly appreciated.

Shayla is 18 years old and lives in NE

Shayla has had a lot of trauma in her life and is working on bettering herself. She is working on socializing, which has been hard for her since losing her grandfather. Shayla has enjoyed outings with her caseworker.