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A pair of Beats for Dariyon to cancel out the distractions around him

Posted Jul 24, 2024
Dariyon wanted to get some new Beats headphones for the upcoming school year. He hopes that having them will help with his anxiety at school by canceling out the surrounding noise. Listening to music with headphones helps him to focus on his studies and not be distracted by the other kids around him. Headphones have been instrumental in helping Dariyon maintain great grades in school despite having limited resources. He would love to get a great pair like Beats.

Dariyon is 16 years old and lives in MO

Dariyon is an amazing young man who has been in foster care for several years. He used to live with his siblings until he moved to his current foster home, where he lives with three other teen boys. In his free time, he enjoys playing old-school video games in his room when he's not at school. Dariyon really misses his siblings and looks forward to the day when he can get a job and a car so that he can visit them whenever he wants.