Hurry! See the wishes needed this week here.

About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Shopping spree for Ethan so he can purchase clothes for school

Posted Jul 25, 2024
Ethan has lived with his aunt for close to two years and the family is struggling. He wishes to purchase new clothes to wear for the new school year, but does not have the resources to get them on his own. Ethan has had so many appointments this summer working was not a option. Granting this wish will allow him to look great for his first day of school.

Ethan is 16 years old and lives in MO

Ethan is the quiet twin who likes to stay to himself and finds ways to enjoy quietness whenever he can. Ethan and his twin sister came into care due to parent drug use. He has been blessed to get to stay with his siblings at his aunt's home with her Family. He hopes to start working soon and get his permit so he can drive.

The Wish Story

Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services requests this wish for Ethan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

BTS2024 grants the wish for Ethan! Thanks BTS2024.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services for Ethan.

Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services receives the wish!

"Thank You so much for helping this family with this gift card. The struggling Aunt was beyond Thankful and said she cannot thank the granter enough. "

Ethan receives the wish from Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services

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