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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Shopping at Target for Antony who needs school clothes

Posted Jul 25, 2024
Antony attends a public school and lives with his grandmother. He needs help getting new clothes to start school on the right foot. Previously, he attended a private school that required uniforms, and all he has are the clothes he has been wearing to work construction jobs. He is asking for basic clothes that all kids wear to school. Getting new clothes will help him to fit in with his peers. This request has been split into two wishes to allow for a great shopping trip! This is wish 2 of 2.

Antony is 15 years old and lives in MO

Antony is an awesome young man who lives with his grandma. Antony is one of the most respectful individuals. Antony has transitioned between schools and struggled to find where he fits in, but is working on making connections. Before living with his grandma, he was in a foster home several hours away. Antony has dreams of working on a ranch and playing the guitar.

The Wish Story

BTS2024 grants the wish for Antony! Thanks BTS2024.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services for Antony.

Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services receives the wish!

"Thank You so much to the Granter for making this wish come true for Antony. He was really feeling ready for a new school year after going shopping. "

Antony receives the wish from Firefly Supportive Living and Employments Services

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