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Food support for Ky to get her through this tough time

Posted Jul 25, 2024
Ky is requesting food support while her mother is dealing with heart-related health issues and periodic hospitalization, making her unable to work. The family could really benefit from additional food assistance to alleviate stress and ensure that they have enough warm, nourishing food on the table. This support will give Ky the chance to start her new job and allow her mother to recover and return to work.This wish was broken into two parts, to allow for a successful shopping experience. This is wish 2 of 2.

Ky Lee is 17 years old and lives in CA

Ky is an outgoing, funny, and thoughtful young person. She is deeply committed to disrupting cycles of generational trauma, which she does through showing great responsibility in her household, staying focused on her education to one day be in the medical field, and taking care of her community with immense love and listening ears. She has a history of foster care throughout her school years and has been impacted by a lack of resources and financial security.

The Wish Story

Sam grants the wish for Ky Lee! Thanks Sam.

"Hey Ky, Sorry to hear your mom is going through some health issues. My father was sick for a long time so I know how hard it can be to watch a parent suffering with health problems. I wish her a quick and easy recovery. Good luck with the new job! I hope the best for you and your family! Sam"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Independence High School for Ky Lee.

Ky Lee receives the wish from Independence High School

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