Jordan has a sharp sense of humor and loves to play practical jokes. He also loves animals. He is hard-working and spends a lot of time at his job at Starbucks. He recently earned his high school equivalency degree and is looking forward to enrolling in college and perhaps becoming a nurse. Jordan spent most of his childhood in foster care.
City Living NY requests this wish for Jordan.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Jordan! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Yo man, I'm proud of you! Get out there and start building your dreams. I know interviews can be tough, and not every job is a good fit. Just keep at it and something good will come your way, hard work pays off. You got this! Get some good rest, eat a decent meal, and maybe do some mock interview questions with a friend to prepare for your interview. I'm rooting for you!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the City Living NY for Jordan.
City Living NY receives the wish!
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Jordan is beyond appreciative of your generous gift card and cannot wait to feel confident and ready in his new work interview clothes. Your kind and encouraging words lifted his spirits and your support is so inspiring. Thank you again for your generosity and support. You have made a difference."
Jordan receives the wish from City Living NY