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The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A rolling Kipling backpack for Rashana to start off her school year right

Posted Aug 1, 2024
Rashana has had such a rough year with many different moves. She is finally in a permanent placement and will be starting her senior year. Rashana has never owned anything name-brand. She has dreamed of always owning a Kipling bag. She would really like this rolling Kipling backpack to carry all her school books. Despite all of her hardships, Rashana is a great student and has been able to maintain good grades. She will be over the moon to get this special bag for her senior year.

Rashana is 18 years old and lives in CA

Rashana is a diligent young girl who enjoys studying and achieving good grades. She is currently in foster care and went through a tough time as she moved from home to home. However, she has now found a permanent placement and feels calm and free of worries. Despite her hardships, she excels as a student and aspires to become a nurse practitioner. Her favorite subject in school is science.

The Wish Story

Penny Lane Centers requests this wish for Rashana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Rashana! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Penny Lane Centers for Rashana.

Penny Lane Centers receives the wish!

"Rashana thanks you for her backpack. She was so excited to take it to school with her."

Rashana receives the wish from Penny Lane Centers

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