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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Supplies for Molly to be ready for school

Posted Aug 1, 2024
Molly would love to be able to head to Target and select all of her school supplies like a regular kid! She thinks it would be so fun to select her own notebooks, folders, pens, and pencils. In the past, Molly had to rely on handouts from others, so picking out her own things would be extra special for her!

Molly is 16 years old and lives in PA

Molly recently entered foster care when her mother and stepfather were arrested. She was placed with a relative of her father’s. Unfortunately, her younger siblings are not related to this person, so they are in a different home. This has been hard on Molly. In her free time, Molly loves to listen to music, and at school, she enjoys being on her track and field team.

The Wish Story

Fostering Hope - Bucks requests this wish for Molly.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Molly! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Fostering Hope - Bucks for Molly.

Fostering Hope - Bucks receives the wish!

"We are excited to share that we sent this over to Molly today. She is beyond excited to head to Target to pick out her supplies. Her plan is to go tomorrow and get all that she needs. Thanks for making her feel so special! "

Molly receives the wish from Fostering Hope - Bucks

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