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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Shoes for Greyson to wear when he starts Head Start

Posted Aug 4, 2024
Greyson is excited to get to go to school this fall. Since being in foster care he qualifies for a Head Start preschool and he is soooo excited. He is starting to catch up on many things he didn’t know when he came into care. He would love a new pair of sneakers to wear on his first day and told us he thinks this pair will help him run super fast!

Greyson is 5 years old and lives in PA

Greyson entered foster care due to some very scary and unsafe living situations. He had his big sister to look out for him but went through way too much for such a young kid! He has started to settle into his new foster home and loves to play baseball with his foster brothers. Being outside always makes Greyson smile!

The Wish Story

Fostering Hope - Bucks requests this wish for Greyson.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Monica's Wish Fund grants the wish for Greyson! Thanks Monica's Wish Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Fostering Hope - Bucks for Greyson.

Fostering Hope - Bucks receives the wish!

"We are so excited to share that these came today for Greyson. We quickly dropped them off and he was so excited! He tried them right on and was showing us how fast he can run. You made him feel amazing! Thank you for making his back to school so much easier! "

Greyson receives the wish from Fostering Hope - Bucks

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