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Balance stepping stones for Caiden to develop gross motor skills

Posted Aug 13, 2024
Caiden enjoys using and playing with Montessori sensory toys both at home and at school. He is drawn to bright colors and toys that allow him to move around. One area where he is working on improving is in his peer relationships. He finds it challenging to engage in collaborative play and share play spaces with other children. Balancing stepping stones would be beneficial for him in several ways, as it is a toy that promotes sharing and collaborating with peers. Due to his autism, Caiden experiences delays in his gross motor, fine motor, and problem-solving skills, and this toy can help him in those areas as well. He will be thrilled to receive this toy at his end-of-the-month birthday party with his family!

Caiden is 4 years old and lives in OH

Caiden is a very sweet and energetic little boy. He has been with his foster mother since his birth, and he has overcome so many challenges. The prenatal drug exposure has really impacted his overall health, development, and functioning. He has a heart condition and therefore, he had heart valve surgery as a baby, He also receives all his nourishment through a G-Tube, due to his autism and sensory issues he cannot eat typically. Caiden is such polite child who always says please and thank you, which is also a huge call for celebration, because he was nonverbal up until age 2 1/2! Caiden's favorite things are Disney/Mickey Mouse, cars/hot wheels tracks, and sensory toys he uses at his specialized Montessori school.

The Wish Story

Beech Acres Parenting Center requests this wish for Caiden.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Caiden! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Beech Acres Parenting Center for Caiden.

Caiden receives the wish from Beech Acres Parenting Center

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