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Birthday gifts for Hope to make her new placement feel like home

Posted Aug 16, 2024
Hope has just moved into a new long-term foster placement. Over the years, she has lost many of her belongings, and this move represents a fresh start for her. Hope recently celebrated her birthday, and now that she has plenty of space, she's eager to make it her own. She dreams of transforming her room with cozy decor, soft, cuddly toys, and some new pajamas to make her nights more comfortable. After all she's been through, these simple comforts would bring her so much joy and help her feel truly at home.

Hope is 4 years old and lives in ME

Hope is a sweet young lady who recently came into foster care for the second time in her young life. She was recently diagnosed with autism. Hope is nonverbal and unable to vocalize her needs, though responds well to comfort items. Hope recently entered her first daycare program! She is thriving with the services and supports in this environment and in her new foster home. She likes animals, playing outside, sensory toys, and paw patrol.

The Wish Story

ME DHHS - Cumberland County requests this wish for Hope.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Hope! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dint’ follow your dreams CHASE them! Happy Birthday Hope❤️"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the ME DHHS - Cumberland County for Hope.

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