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An electric guitar for Steven who is learning to play

Posted Aug 23, 2024
Steven has recently been placed in foster care. He has been homeless most of his life, moving in and out of homeless shelters. Steven has been introduced to the electric guitar through his after-school program, and it has sparked a love for music! He is learning quickly and would love to play an electric guitar of his own! This set is great because it comes with everything that he needs to get started, including a little amp. He will have so much fun learning to play!

Steven is 14 years old and lives in UT

Steven is an awesome kid that has recently been placed in foster care after being homeless off and on throughout his life. Steven has recently been learning the electric guitar during his after school program and practices with his foster dad. He is excited to learn to play the guitar and would love an electric guitar of his own!

The Wish Story

CASA UT - Third District requests this wish for Steven.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Richard grants the wish for Steven! Thanks Richard.

"Hi Steven, Music is a beautiful expression of the soul. Hope you have many wonderful experiences playing the guitar. ~~Richard & Debbie"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CASA UT - Third District for Steven.

Steven receives the wish from CASA UT - Third District

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