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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

School shoes for Alex to wear everyday and use for his athletic activities

Posted Aug 19, 2024
Alex is starting school soon and he is trying to get prepared. He wants to shop for a new pair of shoes to wear to school. He also needs a pair to keep in his athletics locker for gym and the weight room. His coaches have asked all of their students to get some so they don't damage the gym floors.

Alex is 12 years old and lives in TX

Considering all Alex has been through, he has a very positive attitude! He has decided he would like to be a journalist and a Zoologist when he grows up. He loves all animals and can't really pick a favorite. He likes to draw and write. He likes all toys that are remote-controlled and video games. He also enjoys being outside and going to the park. His favorite color is every color!

The Wish Story

K'STAR Inc. requests this wish for Alex.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kimberly grants the wish for Alex! Thanks Kimberly.

"I hope you enjoy your gift! Hugs from Ohio"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Alex.

K'STAR Inc. receives the wish!

"Thank you for making it possible for Alex to shop for some much needed shoes for school! "

Alex receives the wish from K'STAR Inc.

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