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An MP3 player for Khilee to relax to her favorite songs

Posted Aug 20, 2024
Listening to music is a big coping tool for Khilee. She uses it to relax and as a creative outlet. It also helps her to study and focus more on her school work. Sometimes the noise at the group home can be overwhelming so it would greatly help her to tune it out and de-stress.

Khilee is 16 years old and lives in AZ

Khilee is a youth currently living at a group home. Khilee is a very kind and upstanding person. She loves music, roller derby and reading. Living at the group home has been tough for Khilee as it can sometimes be a chaotic environment. Khilee is always looking for ways to cope with her challenges in a healthy way. Khilee is always very grateful and beaming when she receives gifts and desired items while in her group home.

The Wish Story

Arizona's Children Association requests this wish for Khilee.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Susan grants the wish for Khilee! Thanks Susan.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Arizona's Children Association for Khilee.

Khilee receives the wish from Arizona's Children Association

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