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Purple Crocs for Laci to keep her feet feeling comfortable

Posted Aug 23, 2024
Laci is starting her senior year this fall. She is thriving in a welding program and also works part-time. She has her driver's license and is doing really well overall. Laci doesn't ask for much and prefers to be independent. She mentioned that she would love a new pair of purple Crocs to match her friends who all wear them. Her current Crocs are almost worn out because she loves them so much. They provide welcome comfort after wearing steel-toed boots at school and being on her feet at work.

Laci is 17 years old and lives in OH

Laci is a kind-hearted and affectionate young lady who enjoys spending time at her foster family's farm, taking care of animals, hanging out with her youth group, and learning how to drive from her foster dad. She's also been accepted into a vocational program at Career Technology Center where she'll be studying Welding during her Junior Year.