Hurry! See the wishes needed this week here.

About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

School supplies for Kyle who will start school soon

Posted Aug 23, 2024
Kyle is starting school soon and he recently received his school supply list. He is needing to shop for these items to use for learning. He needs to get 3 binders, dividers for each binder, notebook paper, pencils, erasers, pens (red, black, blue), and some stick glue. An Amazon gift card will allow him to get just what he needs.

Kyle is 14 years old and lives in TX

Kyle is an incredibly resilient and intelligent young man. He recently came into care with his three siblings for the first time. He is a very loving brother and is always at the ready to help others. He loves sports, music, movies, and enjoys being in the great outdoors. Kyle is an overall great kid and loves to learn/experience new things.

The Wish Story

K'STAR Inc. requests this wish for Kyle.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kyle! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Have a great school year!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the K'STAR Inc. for Kyle.

Kyle receives the wish from K'STAR Inc.

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