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Baby learning walker toy for King who is learning to walk

Posted Aug 29, 2024
King is almost one year old and he is starting to get mobile! He is a great crawler and loves to explore. King has begun to take some steps while holding on to things but isn't walking on his own just yet. His foster parent would like to get him a walking toy that he can hold onto as he continues to practice walking!

King is 1 year old and lives in NE

King is a happy baby! He was recently removed from home with his older brother and placed into a kinship home. King loves Paw Patrol and Bluey. He enjoys playing outside and swinging at the park. King is a good eater and loves to try new foods. He is always seen smiling and laughing.

The Wish Story

Youth ServicesCEDARS requests this wish for King.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for King! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Enjoy, King! Have fun taking those first steps!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CEDARS Youth Services for King.

King receives the wish from CEDARS Youth Services

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