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A toddler climber for Leilani to climb and explore safely

Posted Sep 4, 2024
Leilani is an incredibly active child, full of energy and curiosity, always climbing and exploring her surroundings with enthusiasm. She's fascinated by the world around her, eager to discover new heights and overcome challenges in her environment. To further nurture her adventurous spirit and physical development, a Pikler triangle would be an excellent addition to her playtime. This climbing structure would not only provide her with countless hours of engaging play and exercise but also serve as a versatile tool for enhancing her gross motor skills. As she navigates the various heights and angles of the Pikler triangle, she will build her strength, coordination, and balance, all while having fun. Embracing this type of play aligns perfectly with her natural developmental needs, allowing her to grow more confident and capable as she continues to explore the world around her.

Leilani is 1 year old and lives in AZ

Leilani is the sweetest girl. She really does think that she is a big girl, and she loves to adventure and explore her space constantly! Leilani is strong-willed, cuddly, and brave. Her favorite activities include dancing to Spanish music, splashing in the pool, and eating vegetables! Leilani is in foster care.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Leilani.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW Social grants the wish for Leilani! Thanks OSW Social.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Leilani.

Leilani receives the wish from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services

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