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Shopping for clothes for Tenisha so that she is prepared for school

Posted Sep 4, 2024
Tenisha recently moved to a foster home last Friday. She needs new school clothes and shoes. She has a girly style and would like to choose school clothes and shoes that fit her personality and are in her size. She didn't bring many clothing items with her when she arrived in foster care, so getting what she needs would make her very happy.

Tenisha is 6 years old and lives in WI

Tenisha lives in a new foster home with her older sister. She is described as very excited, caring, loving, and affectionate. Tenisha enjoys coloring, playing with baby dolls, and having her nails painted. She dislikes being teased by her brothers and does not tolerate bullying. Additionally, Tenisha loves playing outside.

The Wish Story

Family Works, Inc. requests this wish for Tenisha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elizabeth grants the wish for Tenisha! Thanks Elizabeth.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family Works, Inc. for Tenisha.

Tenisha receives the wish from Family Works, Inc.

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