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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Wireless headset with a microphone for Adrian to enjoy his gaming experience

Posted Sep 5, 2024
Adrian is a good kid who enjoys spending his time playing video games. He is responsible and makes sure to complete his schoolwork and chores before immersing himself in the fantasy world of online gaming. Adrian is requesting a headset with a microphone so that he can enjoy his online games without needing to borrow one from others in the group home.

Adrian is 16 years old and lives in AZ

Adrian is a very creative young man who is working towards independence. He enjoys expressing himself through art and music. Adrian is placed in a group home setting with other youth his age. He is staying focused, resisting negative influences and keeping a straight path towards becoming a respectable young adult.

The Wish Story

AZ DCS - Mohave County requests this wish for Adrian.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Ryan grants the wish for Adrian! Thanks Ryan.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the AZ DCS - Mohave County for Adrian.

AZ DCS - Mohave County receives the wish!

"Thank you so much awesome person! Adrian was very happy to receive his headset!"

Adrian receives the wish from AZ DCS - Mohave County

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